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Baby Boy Names starting with X (Page 1 of 1)

  1. xagan Cross over water, Ford worldly cares
  2. xagar Pass through worldly cares
  3. xallu Defender
  4. xamak Twinkle, Shimmer
  5. xanda Insignia
  6. xantheus One who is golden haired., One who is golden haired.
  7. xanthus A river god., A river god.
  8. xemjeet Topper
  9. xenos Stranger, Stranger
  10. xesas God is salvation, God is salvation
  11. xhim Soft, Gentle
  12. xhiva Assamese version of Lord Shiva. It means benign, kind, auspicious, Assamese version of Lord Shiva. It means benign, kind, auspicious
  13. xoan Brazilian form of Juan, meaning God is gracious., Brazilian form of Juan, meaning God is gracious.
  14. xobeen Spear, Spear
  15. xurxo Farmer, Farmer
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