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Baby Girl Names starting with Q (Page 1 of 1)

  1. qabalah Responsibility
  2. qabila Able, Wise, A woman who is smart and able
  3. qabilah Consenting
  4. qadesa Holy sacred
  5. qadira Powerful, Able, Good at many things, Powerful
  6. qadr Fate, Destiny, One with a faith and a destiny
  7. qadriyah To believe in gods will, A woman that is extremly capable and has great power
  8. qadriyyah Strong, A woman of great strenght and power
  9. qahira Victorious, A woman who overpowers others and is always a victor
  10. qaifa Estimator, The one who estimates things
  11. qailah Companion of prophet Muhammad, One who speaks, One of the names of Name of a Sahabiyyah (RA).
  12. qaima Bestowed, A woman who is a bestower
  13. qaiser Caesar, Emperor, King
  14. qamari Moon like
  15. qamarjahan Muslim name meaning the Moon of the world
  16. qamarun nisa Moon of the women
  17. qameer (Wife of masrooq bin al-ajda), Wife of Masrooq Bin Al-ajda Daughter of Amr Al-kufiyah, She was a Narrator of Hadith who Quoted Sayyidina Ayshah
  18. qamra Moonlight, Moonlit, Bright, A Lebanese term for moon.
  19. qamrani Moonlit
  20. qanaat Patience, One who has patiance
  21. qaniah Contended
  22. qantara Small bridge, A small bridge
  23. qarasafahl A narrator of Hadith
  24. qareebah Near, Name of a woman scholar
  25. qaribah Near, Name of a woman scholar, Name of a woman scholar, Umm al-Buhlul, of Banu Asad.
  26. qarsafah A narrator of Hadith, Name of a narrator of Hadith, known as Qarsafah al-Zahliyah.
  27. qaseema Beautiful woman, Distributor, Divider, A beautiful woman
  28. qasiba One who plays at flute, She who plays the flute
  29. qasida Messenger, One who carries the message
  30. qasima Beautiful woman, Distributor, Divider, A distributor, a divider
  31. qawiya Strong one
  32. qaylah Companion of prophet Muhammad, One who speaks
  33. qaymayriyah She was a student of Hadith
  34. qaynat Universe, World
  35. qi A fine Jade
  36. qiana Gracious
  37. qindeel Oil lamp, Light, Muslim name for girls meaning light
  38. qinyang Sunshine of my heart
  39. qiraat Recitation of the Quran.
  40. qirat Beautiful recitation, A beautiful recitation
  41. qisaf Brittle, A student of Hadith
  42. qismah Destiny, Fate, Ordained by God
  43. qitarah Having a nice fragrance
  44. qiyyama Stand for Allah, Stand for Allah
  45. qodra Capability
  46. quarrtulain Mercy of God
  47. qubilah Concord
  48. quddusiyah Sacred, Pious, One who is sacred, pious
  49. quddusiyyah Sacred, Pious
  50. qudrah Power, ability, capacity of a woman.
  51. qudsia Holiness
  52. qudsiyah Glorious, Sacred, The glorious, sacred one
  53. quelina French name for girls
  54. quena A female monarch
  55. quenburga English name meaning essence
  56. querube From Querubin which is a name given to angels in Spanish
  57. quinna A reasonable person
  58. quinnie Scandinavian name meaning living like royalty
  59. quintella Female derivative of Quintus, meaning fifth.
  60. qurratul ayn Delightful, Darling
  61. qurratulain Sweetheart, A delight to the eyes, joy, pleasure
  62. qutaylah Companion of prophet Muhammad
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