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Baby Girl Names starting with X (Page 1 of 1)

  1. xantara Protector of the earth
  2. xanthe The shade gold.
  3. xantina Little saint
  4. xaria The gift of love.
  5. xaverie Female version of Xavier, meaning the new house.
  6. xaviare Owner of the new house
  7. xavier Owner of the new house
  8. xaviera Feminine version of Xavier, meaning 'bright or splendid'.
  9. xena Welcoming and hospitable
  10. xilmal Shine, Shimmer
  11. ximena Greek form of Xenia, meaning hospitality to a stranger.
  12. xinavane Spread or propagate
  13. xoana God is gracious
  14. xolani Kenyan term meaning be at peace.
  15. xorlali The savior exists
  16. xoti Small
  17. xylia From the woods
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