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Baby Names starting with O (Page 2 of 2)

  1. oogy Full of or showing high spirits., Full of or showing high spirits.
  2. ooma In Hindi it means Tranquillity, In Hebrew it means Nation
  3. oona In Gaelic it means Lamb. In English it means Universal one.
  4. oorja Energy, Affectionate, Daughter, Nutrition, Breath, The energy or the power
  5. oorjit Possesses great might, Powerful, Handsome, Noble, Excellent, Powerful, Radiant, Strong, Mighty, Enthusiastic, Lively
  6. oormi The waves of water
  7. opal Gemstone Opal, Jewel in Sanskrit
  8. opaline Embellishment of Opal
  9. opie One who is like a God Almighty, One who is like a God Almighty
  10. opilamani Purest of Gems; A variant spelling is Oppilamani; Peerless Gem; Incomparable, Purest of Gems, A variant spelling is Oppilamani, Peerless Gem, Incomparable
  11. oppilamani Superlative, unique, Unbeatable, exclusive., Superlative, unique, Unbeatable, exclusive.
  12. oppilan Purest of Gems; A variant spelling is Oppilamani; Peerless Gem; Incomparable, Purest of Gems, A variant spelling is Oppilamani, Peerless Gem, Incomparable
  13. oppilmani Purest of gems, Purest of Gems, A variant spelling is Oppilamani, Peerless Gem, Incomparable
  14. orabela The one who is stunning and pretty, most beautiful.
  15. oracle The one who brings holy greetings., The one who brings holy greetings.
  16. oraina Derived from the Latin word "gold", the most precious and valuable girl child.
  17. oralee Blowing in pasture, windy field
  18. oran Dull color or dim color or mostly in white color., Dull color or dim color or mostly in white color.
  19. orazia The one who is watching the time period.
  20. orda A sociable and strong willed individual
  21. ordelia Elf's spear
  22. ordell The tiny table knife or bread-knife or bladeknife.
  23. ordmund The one who guards with a javelin., The one who guards with a javelin.
  24. ordsone The born son of Ormond., The born son of Ormond.
  25. orell Swiss accent of Aurelius (golden, glided), Swiss accent of Aurelius (golden, glided)
  26. oresh Expression of religion or writer., Expression of religion or writer.
  27. orest One who stands on the mountain., One who stands on the mountain.
  28. ori Charitable king, Hebrew - My Light, Ory is a varaint spelling
  29. orik Steadiness of mind under stress., Steadiness of mind under stress.
  30. orin The additional name for Lord Mailar Lingappa., The additional name for Lord Mailar Lingappa.
  31. orisa An angelic manifestation.
  32. orla The person who takes the very first step to perform anything.
  33. orlagh The feelings of great warmth.
  34. orlaith The person with special knowledge.
  35. orlanda Master of all above.
  36. orli The person recommend for specific labor., The person recommend for specific labor.
  37. orlin Feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others., Feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others.
  38. orly My joy, my happiness, my gladness, my enjoyment.
  39. orm Nona means the ninth one in the family., Nona means the ninth one in the family.
  40. orman Mariner; Spearman, Mariner, Spearman
  41. ornob Deep ocean or large sea., Deep ocean or large sea.
  42. orpah The bony skeleton of the head of vertebrates.
  43. orpita Offering, Dedication or Divination to God
  44. orun The spiritual combatant or the deity fighter., The spiritual combatant or the deity fighter.
  45. orwin The assistant who fights with a javelin., The assistant who fights with a javelin.
  46. orwiya Female mountain goat, The female goat which mostly lives on the hill side.
  47. orzala Brightness of fire, The light and brightness emitted by fire.
  48. osama Description of a lion, Brave, The one who is bold and courageous like a lion.
  49. osburne The period of heartiest prosperity or productivity., The period of heartiest prosperity or productivity.
  50. osca heavenly combatant who always battle for God's sake., heavenly combatant who always battle for God's sake.
  51. oscar Noorali the brightness of Ali, the nimble of Ali., Noorali the brightness of Ali, the nimble of Ali.
  52. osebertus The brave soldier of god, The brave soldier of god
  53. osegod A noble landowner, A noble landowner
  54. osgar Nooraniyah softly bright or radiant., Nooraniyah softly bright or radiant.
  55. osgarus God who rule the world, God who rule the world
  56. oshana Palm tree
  57. oshee Divine, The one who is making something smooth and shiny by rubbing or waxing.
  58. oshin A Japanese name from a famous television series
  59. oshma Summer season, The quality of being luminous, emitting or reflecting light.
  60. oshmi Personality, Free from anything that dulls or dims
  61. osho The shine of the earth, sparkle of the domain, The shine of the earth, sparkle of the domain
  62. osla One who came from a steep place
  63. oslac A determined and curious individual, A determined and curious individual
  64. oslafa An ambitious, courageous and strong person
  65. oslow A ridge, common name of a place in Norway
  66. osmaer A name of a famous person who has god-like fame, A name of a famous person who has god-like fame
  67. osmanek One with an expressive and vibrant nature; chief, One with an expressive and vibrant nature, chief
  68. ossenna A creative, happy and versatile person
  69. ossy A divine and powerful person; spiritual, A divine and powerful person, spiritual
  70. ostin A variation of Ostin, meaning great or magnificent., A variation of Ostin, meaning great or magnificent.
  71. ostryd Name of an omnipotent God, has congenial nature
  72. ota A rich and famous person; large rice paddy, A rich and famous person, large rice paddy
  73. ottaline One who can prosper in warfield
  74. ottavianu Ottavianu is a variant of Octavianus and means eighth., Ottavianu is a variant of Octavianus and means eighth.
  75. otten It means riches, gems and wealth, It means riches, gems and wealth
  76. ourania A noble and heavenly person, a Goddess
  77. ourdolat An individual who is free detailed and clever
  78. ousama A majestic and charismatic Lion, A majestic and charismatic Lion
  79. ovais A companion of the prophet (Saw), A variant of Owais, Name of companions of the Prophet, Little Wolf
  80. ovelle A person who is filled with enthusiasm
  81. ovi Holy message of marathi saint, Holy Massege of Marathi Saint, Pretty, Sheep
  82. ovia Painting, Artist, Beautiful drawing, A quiet and simple being, has deep inner desire
  83. ovin A clever minded, cool tempered and judgemental individual
  84. oviya Painting, Artist, Beautiful drawing
  85. oviyan Artist, Artist, Painter, Talented Craftsman
  86. owais A companion of the prophet (Saw), A wolf, the best compannion of the Prophet
  87. owaisi Brave, Gifted talented
  88. owaissa A Bluebird, a beautiful song of Hiawatha
  89. owaisy Brave, Gifted talented, A wolf, a courageous and brave warrior
  90. oxnatun The one who came from Ox farm, The one who came from Ox farm
  91. oyinlola Nigerian term, meaning wealth is sweet.
  92. ozaine An intelligent and self confident person
  93. ozan A bard; a story teller and a composer, A bard, a story teller and a composer
  94. ozana It means a river in Moldova; great leader, It means a river in Moldova, great leader
  95. ozanich Bard, Bard
  96. ozanna A person who shows authority and potential
  97. ozanne One who is a savior, saves prey
  98. ozhan Thrower
  99. ozul Shadow, Shadow
  100. ozza A baby fawn, A teacher, a young female
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