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Afghan Baby Girl Names starting with A (Page 1 of 1)

  1. aabroo Prestige
  2. abrisham Silk
  3. afhak Dew
  4. afri Name of a character in Shahnameh, Siamak's daughter-in-law
  5. afshaneh Sprinkling or scattering
  6. afsoon The meaning of Afsoon is "charm" or "Spell". A beautiful Goddess who is loved by all, friendly, caring, charismatic, kind, gentle, understanding, sensitive,emotional and desirable by all. Everyone will be charmed by her beauty.
  7. anousheh Everlasting or immortal
  8. arezo Wish or desire
  9. armineh Desire, or goal
  10. asal Evening time, Real, Pure, Honey
  11. asmaan Girl name meaning Sky
  12. azyan Adornment or decoration.
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