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Arabic Baby Boy Names starting with W (Page 1 of 1)

  1. wadd One of the five idols worshiped by Noah's people., One of the five idols worshiped by Noah's people.
  2. wadih Alone, one who likes solitude, Alone, one who likes solitude
  3. wafiq Successful, One who is victorious, Successful, Triumphant, A variant spelling is Wafic
  4. waheed Single, Exclusively, Unequalled, Unique, One of its kind, Peerless, Unique, Singular, Exclusively, Unequalled, Peerless, A variant spelling is Wahid
  5. wajih Noble, Honored, Well-esteem, Notable, Eminent, Prominent
  6. waris Heir, Inheritor, Successor, Arabic term for successor.
  7. wasi Capacious, Wide, Ample, One, Broad-minded, Liberal, Learn, All embracing, Advice, testament, counsel
  8. wasim Graceful, Good looking, Handsome, Honest, Good Looking, A variant spelling is Waseem
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