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Arabic Baby Girl Names starting with E (Page 1 of 1)

  1. ebrah Wisdom to learn from experience.
  2. eiliyah The beautiful one to grow in peace and Love with God, The Beautiful One to Grow in Peace and Love with God, A variant spelling is Iliya
  3. eiman Faith, A faithful and clever minded person
  4. eladaria The luxurious paradise, they are powerful
  5. elladine A bright and shining ray of light
  6. ellma God provides protection, an apple
  7. ellmeria One who is like an aristrocratic lady or a Princess
  8. elma Apple, One who is sweet like an apple
  9. elmerya One who has a noble heart
  10. elzina this name means woman or god is my oath.
  11. emaan Victorious, Pious, God Fearing, Devoted to God, Faith in religion
  12. eman Faith, Belief, Faith in Allah, this name means faith or belief.
  13. emmarie a faithful or truthful person.
  14. enas One with a friendly and jovial demeanor.
  15. eness queen of beauty.
  16. enisa Good friend, Friend or companion
  17. esana a feminized word meaning to safeguard.
  18. eshaal Flower of Jannat paradise, Enlivened or excited, to enliven or excite.
  19. ezzah A person who gives the honor, Respect, A Person who Gives the Honour, Respect, Considerable, Admirable
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