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Arabic Baby Girl Names starting with G (Page 1 of 1)

  1. galiana The name of a moorish princess
  2. galiba Winner
  3. gamila Beautiful, Very pretty or wonderful.
  4. gazala Intelligent, Charming, A poem, Ode, Lyric poem, Words of Love, The one who is intellectual and fascinating.
  5. ghada Graceful woman, Graceful young girl
  6. ghania Beauty, Beautiful girl, A woman of great wealth
  7. ghaniya Rich, Wealthy, Prosperous, Woman who is very rich
  8. ghaniyah Pretty girl, Beautiful woman, Beauty, A woman of great richness and wealth
  9. gharizah A woman with good instict, intuition
  10. ghasna Bud, Blossom, Pure and gentile as a flower blossom
  11. ghatiya Dynamic, Moving, A dynamic person, someone who is on the move
  12. ghazal Intelligent, Charming, A poem, Ode, Lyric poem, Words of Love, The lover of poems, poetry, expression of strong emotions
  13. ghazala Gazelle, A young deer, A woman graceful as a gazelle
  14. ghazalah Gazelle, She who is like a gazelle
  15. ghazaleh A woman who is like a gazelle
  16. ghina Singing, Song, Arabic name meaning melody or a song
  17. ghizala Muslim name meaning deer
  18. ghufayrah This was the name of a very, A very pious woman who kept vigil in the night
  19. ghumaysa Her kuniyah was umm sulaym, Her kuniyah was Umm Sulaym
  20. gulnoor The light of flower, light or radiance.
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