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Arabic Baby Girl Names starting with Q (Page 1 of 1)

  1. qadr Fate, Destiny, One with a faith and a destiny
  2. qadriyah To believe in gods will, A woman that is extremly capable and has great power
  3. qadriyyah Strong, A woman of great strenght and power
  4. qaifa Estimator, The one who estimates things
  5. qailah Companion of prophet Muhammad, One who speaks, One of the names of Name of a Sahabiyyah (RA).
  6. qaima Bestowed, A woman who is a bestower
  7. qamarjahan Muslim name meaning the Moon of the world
  8. qameer (Wife of masrooq bin al-ajda), Wife of Masrooq Bin Al-ajda Daughter of Amr Al-kufiyah, She was a Narrator of Hadith who Quoted Sayyidina Ayshah
  9. qamra Moonlight, Moonlit, Bright, A Lebanese term for moon.
  10. qanaat Patience, One who has patiance
  11. qantara Small bridge, A small bridge
  12. qaribah Near, Name of a woman scholar, Name of a woman scholar, Umm al-Buhlul, of Banu Asad.
  13. qarsafah A narrator of Hadith, Name of a narrator of Hadith, known as Qarsafah al-Zahliyah.
  14. qaseema Beautiful woman, Distributor, Divider, A beautiful woman
  15. qasiba One who plays at flute, She who plays the flute
  16. qasida Messenger, One who carries the message
  17. qasima Beautiful woman, Distributor, Divider, A distributor, a divider
  18. qindeel Oil lamp, Light, Muslim name for girls meaning light
  19. qiraat Recitation of the Quran.
  20. qirat Beautiful recitation, A beautiful recitation
  21. qitarah Having a nice fragrance
  22. qiyyama Stand for Allah, Stand for Allah
  23. quddusiyah Sacred, Pious, One who is sacred, pious
  24. qudrah Power, ability, capacity of a woman.
  25. qudsiyah Glorious, Sacred, The glorious, sacred one
  26. qurratulain Sweetheart, A delight to the eyes, joy, pleasure
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