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Bengali Baby Boy Names starting with P (Page 1 of 1)

  1. pinakpani The bow that belongs to the Lord Shiva, The bow that belongs to the Lord Shiva
  2. poltu One whose name is sweet, One whose name is sweet
  3. pradipt He who is illumanted, glowing, He who is illumanted, glowing
  4. prahor An eight part of the night or a day, An eight part of the night or a day
  5. pralay Himalaya, A name for Himalaya. Also means disaster
  6. pranshul Name of Lord Shiva, The name of the Lord Shiva
  7. prathmesh Lord Ganesh, One(god who is venerated before all other gods, One who is the Lord of the best
  8. prayog Experiment, An investigation, test, experiment
  9. preethesh Lord of Love, One who is like the Lord of Love
  10. purnava Brightness, full light, Brightness, full light
  11. purnayu One who is long lived, One who is long lived
  12. purvang Prakashit, A name that means Prakashit
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