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Bengali Baby Boy Names starting with S (Page 1 of 1)

  1. sahasranshu One who is like the Sun, One who is like the Sun
  2. sanav The Sun, The star around which the earth orbits
  3. sanjiban Restoring a life, having a new life, Restoring a life, having a new life
  4. shaswatik A man who is forevelasting, eternal, A man who is forevelasting, eternal
  5. sudhanidhi A Boy with the Moon in his eyes, A Boy with the Moon in his eyes
  6. supratit A well demontrated man, A well demontrated man
  7. suvabrata One who gave an auspicious vow, One who gave an auspicious vow
  8. suvo An auspicious person, An auspicious person
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