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Bengali Baby Girl Names starting with N (Page 1 of 1)

  1. nabani Fresh fat or margarine.
  2. nabanita The new faith or the new moral
  3. nayani Dow eyed, The ocean which gives extreme beauty.
  4. nayanika Beautiful eyes that induce magnetism, One with expressive eyes, Completely happy and contented.
  5. neelam Sapphire, Blue stone, Precious stone, The one has dark blue color eyes.
  6. neelambika Blue color of the sky.
  7. neelima A beauty by its blue reflection, Blue complexioned, The sky which reflects blue color.
  8. neethika Principled, Moral person, Virtuous, The one who is trustworthy and honest.
  9. netraranjana Something that makes the eyes prettier.
  10. nibha Similar, Resembling, Not unlike, comparable, alike, switch off
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