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Celtic Baby Boy Names starting with M (Page 1 of 1)

  1. maerin One who is bitter, One who is bitter
  2. marv Celtic - Friend of the Sea; Marvelous; Sea Lover; A form of Marvin, Celtic - Friend of the Sea, Marvelous, Sea Lover, A form of Marvin
  3. marve Celtic - Friend of the Sea; Marvelous; Sea Lover; A form of Marvin, Celtic - Friend of the Sea, Marvelous, Sea Lover, A form of Marvin
  4. marvin One who lives by the sea, a mariner, One who lives by the sea, a mariner
  5. marwin Celtic - Friend of the Sea; Marvelous; Sea Lover; A form of Marvin, Celtic - Friend of the Sea, Marvelous, Sea Lover, A form of Marvin
  6. marwynn Celtic - Friend of the Sea; Marvelous; Sea Lover; A form of Marvin, Celtic - Friend of the Sea, Marvelous, Sea Lover, A form of Marvin
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