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Egyptian Baby Boy Names starting with A (Page 1 of 1)

  1. abanoub ancient King, ancient King
  2. abrax The great archon from mythology, The great archon from mythology
  3. abraxas The great chief magistrate or archons, a God from Egyptian mythology, The great chief magistrate or archons, a God from Egyptian mythology
  4. aharon Hebrew - Lofty; Exalted; High Mountain; A variant of name Aaron which is a Biblical name, Hebrew - Lofty, Exalted, High Mountain, A variant of name Aaron which is a Biblical name
  5. ammon Egyptian - The Hidden One; It is variant of name Amon, Egyptian - The Hidden One, It is variant of name Amon
  6. amon Egyptian - The Hidden One; It is variant of name Ammon, Egyptian - The Hidden One, It is variant of name Ammon
  7. aten Sun Disk; Heat and Light of Sun, Sun Disk, Heat and Light of Sun
  8. aton Solar disk, Solar disk
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