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English Baby Girl Names starting with C (Page 1 of 1)

  1. caddie A free woman
  2. cadynn A rhytmic girl
  3. caelyn A heavenly girl
  4. caisie A piece proclamation
  5. caleah A woman known for beauty
  6. cambria A place name, one from Cambria
  7. cammy She is a priest's helper
  8. candy A white. pure and honest woman
  9. canzada A settlement, pure, nonchalant and generous
  10. carie A full grown, adult woman
  11. carleena A woman who is free
  12. carlen She is free and a peasant girl
  13. carlene A mainly free woman
  14. carlyn She has her freedom
  15. carlynda A free and pretty lady
  16. carlyne She has freedom
  17. carlynn A little, free one
  18. carlynne She who has freedom
  19. carna One who portects the body
  20. caroliana A female with male strenght
  21. carolina A song of joy and happiness
  22. caroline A blissful, happy song
  23. cashlin A very vain woman
  24. casi A pet from Cassandra, meaning a phrophetess
  25. cassia An empty, vain woman
  26. cassie A vain young woman
  27. cate An innocent and pure girl
  28. cathee Short for Catherine, meaning a pure girl
  29. catherine She is a pure and innocente one, a virgin
  30. cerissa Charity, Cherry red color
  31. cesli Ship's victory
  32. channery An imaginative individual
  33. chantele A stony place near river
  34. charlize Feminine of Charles
  35. charmine Charming girl who is a born Princess
  36. chayla Fairy, Palace of the fairy, , life
  37. chereen Dear One, Darling, Germanic - Man, Freeman, Hebrew - Singer, Plain, Variant of Cherie, Cherilyn
  38. cherilyn Variant of Cheryl, a beautiful individual
  39. cherisa A sweet singer
  40. cherish A treasure
  41. cherry Fruit, Name derived from a fruit
  42. cheryll Coral, a virgin
  43. christeena Follower of teachings of Jesus
  44. christyn One who follows Jesus Christ's teachings
  45. chrysanta Another name of Chrysanthemum, a golden flower
  46. cindal Bright, attractive, shiny
  47. cindy Abbreviation for Cinderella, Cynthia and Lucinda
  48. cinnamon A spice, added to food for flavour
  49. claudia As mentioned in the New Testament, it is the feminine form of 'Claudius', a 7th century saint
  50. clelia A Roman herione who acted in the Classical era
  51. clemency Gentle, mild, soft, warm and hearty
  52. clemmie Derived from Clement, meaning gentle and merciful
  53. cleo Short from of Cleopatra, which means glory and fame
  54. clove Derived from 'Clover', the name of a flower from the pea family
  55. cochrann The one who rules, king or lady
  56. collete Triumph of men against an enemy, victory of men
  57. coralee A maiden, a young unmarried woman
  58. cordelia One who is considered as the daughter of the sea in mythologies
  59. corliss Good hearted, generous, cheerful and nonchalant
  60. coryn Triumph of the people, victory of people
  61. courtney Domain of the Curtius, It is an alternative version of "Courtney", Courteous
  62. coy Silent, Steady like forest
  63. creeda A woman of Faith, Feminine of "Creed"
  64. creola Habitant of the Native land Creole
  65. crisiant Crystal, Clear, Bright
  66. cristal Invariant of the word "Crystal", Clear, Pure
  67. cymani An inspiring woman
  68. cynorah The one who is followed
  69. cyrilla Beautiful lady
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