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English Baby Girl Names starting with G (Page 1 of 1)

  1. gaela The girls who made her father happy by her birth.
  2. gaelan A person who has firm mind
  3. gay Refers to joy, pleasure, delight, enjoyment.
  4. genaya The waves in the sea or ocean seen white in color.
  5. gericka Combination of Geri (rules with spear) plus Erica ( ever kingly)
  6. gerika Mixture of Geri (ruling by spear) plus Erica ( king forever)
  7. godiva Old Version of Godiva. Gift of God, The one who becomes the bonus and attribute for some one.
  8. goldeholda A person who is rich and have a huge collection of ornaments. In other meanings a person who is very intelligent.
  9. golderon Golderon means Passionate. A person who always be ready to do anything with his full dedication and uses his passion in every field.
  10. goldy Goldy is a variant of Golda, Derived from the vocabulary word gold which denotes precious jewellery metal
  11. graciana The name is varient of word grace. It means decency and intelligence.
  12. greysi Greysi name is derived from the word grace, which means decency with a special beauty.
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