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French Baby Boy Names starting with G (Page 1 of 1)

  1. galant A dashing, cheerful and courageous person, A dashing, cheerful and courageous person
  2. garen French - Guardian; Guards; Son of Gary; A Spearman; A variant of Garron, French - Guardian, Guards, Son of Gary, A Spearman, A variant of Garron
  3. garrin Meaning similar to Garry, Meaning similar to Garry
  4. gaspard French from of Jasper (Rich in wealth), French from of Jasper (Rich in wealth)
  5. gaston Refers to a visitor or outsider., Refers to a visitor or outsider.
  6. gaylord The person who is much concerned with his dress and appearance., The person who is much concerned with his dress and appearance.
  7. gudval They love to systamized things like science,math and computer.They love eating and feeling pleasuer in traveling., They love to systamized things like science,math and computer.They love eating and feeling pleasuer in traveling.
  8. guzman Guz means god and man means a person o man, Guzman means the man of god., Guz means god and man means a person o man, Guzman means the man of god.
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