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French Baby Girl Names starting with M (Page 1 of 1)

  1. marcelle A woman who is a warrior at heart
  2. mariona A dame from the sea of misery
  3. mazelina A variant of the name Mathilda, the battle mighty
  4. mireille Hebrew - God Has Spoken, To admire, Wonderful, A variant of Mira
  5. miria The Holy virgin mother Mary
  6. mishavonna A Young archangel, a young messenger of God
  7. modeste Mehula is referred to the Rain. It is derived from Sanskrit word "Meh".
  8. moi Having skin rich in melanin pigments.
  9. monalisa Noble, Art, Mona Lisa is a famous portrait painted by Leonardo da Vinci
  10. monet A protector's descendant
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