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Hebrew Baby Boy Names starting with N (Page 1 of 1)

  1. naaman the person who is being harmony with his taste or likings., the person who is being harmony with his taste or likings.
  2. nadev Showing a tender and plentiful., Showing a tender and plentiful.
  3. naite A small gift from God, A small gift from God
  4. nathan Gift from God, Rewarded, Given, Giving, Desire, Protector, Lord, Another name for Krishna, God will provide or God has provided.
  5. nathanial The special talent from God., The special talent from God.
  6. netanyahu The talent from God or the skills from God., The talent from God or the skills from God.
  7. nethan The special talent from God., The special talent from God.
  8. nethaniel The special skills from the heavens., The special skills from the heavens.
  9. nisarg Nature, Handsome and fine looking person.
  10. nissin Miracle and a more pronounceable form of nissan, A flight, something that makes you fly
  11. nouriel The God is my bright and nimble., The God is my bright and nimble.
  12. nukh Assyrian variant of Noah, meaning comfort., Assyrian variant of Noah, meaning comfort.
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