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Indian Baby Boy Names starting with V (Page 1 of 1)

  1. vardhman Growth. It's another name of Bhagwan Mahavir., Growth. It's another name of Bhagwan Mahavir.
  2. varshil Good boy, Good and well behaved boy.
  3. vasu Brilliance, Wealth, Light, Brilliance, Prosperous, Best, Precious, One who is divine and precious
  4. veer Courageous, Warrior, Strong, Lightning, Thunder, One who is brave. Another name of Lord Mahavir
  5. vel Lord Murugan, A divine javelin spear associated with Hindu war God Karthikeya, One of the many names of Lord Subramanya, A divine javelin (spear) associated with Hindu war god Karthikeya
  6. vimal Pure, White, Bright, Pure
  7. vinay Good manners, Decency, Restraint, Modesty, a person who's humble and modest.
  8. vir Courageous, Warrior, Strong, Lightning, Thunder, Brave man of Raghu Clan, One of many names of Lord Rama, A name to the ultimately formless (advita), An Incarnation of Lord Vishnu
  9. viram A man who is very strong., A man who is very strong.
  10. viren Lord of warriors, One who is the leader of heroes
  11. vishal Huge, Broad, Great, Substantial, Important, Powerful, Eminent, Great, grandeur, magnificent, eminence, prominence, and illustriousness. The meaning also attributes to the property of being grand.
  12. vishesh Special, Best, Special, someone who's special
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