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Kenyan Baby Girl Names starting with A (Page 1 of 1)

  1. absco One with an inventive mind.
  2. abuya One who was born when the garden was overgrown.
  3. achieng One born during the day time.
  4. adimu Rare
  5. adongo The second of twins.
  6. afaafa Virtue
  7. akello Baby girl born after twins.
  8. akeyo One who was born during the harvest.
  9. almasi Diamond
  10. aluna Kenyan term, literally meaning come here.
  11. aluoch One who was born during an overcast morning.
  12. aminifu A woman who is faithful.
  13. angavu Shining one
  14. angweng One who was born during the time of white ants.
  15. anyango One who was born during mid day.
  16. apiyo First of the twins.
  17. arogo One who nagged a lot during pregnancy.
  18. asilia Honest
  19. atieno One who was born at night.
  20. awino One who was born with the cord around.
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