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Latin Baby Girl Names starting with P (Page 1 of 1)

  1. paloma Latin - Dove, Peaceful, Derived from Palumbus which means a symbol of peace
  2. palomi Dove, Latin - Dove, Peaceful, Derived from Palumbus which means a symbol of peace
  3. panalin A derivative from Latin word Pannus
  4. panya Admired, Glorious, Excellent, One who is crowned in victory
  5. pasha A bond, Latin - Of Easter, To pass over, Born on Easter, A variant form of Pascale
  6. paulomi Goddess Saraswati, Lord indras second wife, Latin - Little, Humble, From The Name Pauline, A variant of Paul
  7. prisca Saint, She who is ancient
  8. priscilla Latin - Ancient, Archaic, A variant spelling is Priscille
  9. priscille Latin - Ancient, Archaic, A variant spelling is Priscille
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