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Macedonian Baby Boy Names starting with A (Page 1 of 1)

  1. aco One who helps or defends mankind, One who helps or defends mankind
  2. admetos One who cannot be tamed., One who cannot be tamed.
  3. aeropos Male form of the name Aerope., Male form of the name Aerope.
  4. alketas Strength, a strong man., Strength, a strong man.
  5. amyntas Defender, Defender
  6. androtimos One who is honest and brave., One who is honest and brave.
  7. antigonos Like the ancestor, Like the ancestor
  8. antipatros Like the father, Like the father
  9. archelaos Master of the people., Master of the people.
  10. argaios Glistening and shining., Glistening and shining.
  11. arridhaios Something that's too terrifying., Something that's too terrifying.
  12. autodikos The one who takes law in hands., The one who takes law in hands.
  13. axios A capable man., A capable man.
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