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Malayalam Baby Girl Names starting with U (Page 1 of 1)

  1. udaya Dawn, The feminine version of Uday, meaning dawn.
  2. uditi Rising, Rising
  3. udvita River of lotuses, A river filled with lotus flowers.
  4. udyati Elevated, Ascended, Elevated
  5. ujjayini An ancient city, Ujjayini is the name of an ancient city. It means rising.
  6. ujjwala Bright, Lighted, Bright or lustrous. A woman with a bright personality.
  7. ulka Meteorite, Meteor, Fire, Lamp, Brilliant, Ulka is a traditional Malayalam name, meaning meteorite.
  8. uma Goddess Parvati, Eternal knowledge, Limitless space, Fame, Splendor, Light, Reputation, Tranquility, Uma is one of the names of Goddess Parvati. It means splendor or tranquility.
  9. urja Energy, Affectionate, Daughter, Nutrition, Breath, One with high levels of energy
  10. urmi Wave, Wave of the sea.
  11. ushakiran Rays of morning Sun, Rays of the morning sun.
  12. utpalini Lotus pond, A lotus pond.
  13. uttara Higher, North the direction, Name of a start, Better, Outcome (Princess of Virata, pupil of Arjuna as Brihhannala (his disguised identity as the eunuch dance teacher during the Pandavas final year of exile).), A star, or north direction.
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