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Maori Baby Girl Names starting with A (Page 1 of 1)

  1. ahere Bird snare
  2. ahorangi The name means enlightened in the Maori language.
  3. ahurewa A sacred place.
  4. aihe Dolphin in Maori language.
  5. aka Also known as, Affectionate
  6. akenehi Chaste and pure
  7. akona To enthuse
  8. ametihita Not intoxicated
  9. amiria Amiria is the Maori version of Amelia. It means 'hard worker'.
  10. anahira Archangel or angel
  11. aoatea Dawn
  12. aperira Aperira is the Maori form of April.
  13. aputa Open spaces
  14. aramoana Pathway to the ocean.
  15. aranga Maori word for Easter.
  16. arataki The leader, a man with leadership qualities.
  17. arihi A woman of noble kind
  18. arihia One who is noble and kind.
  19. arikiwi Cloak made of kiwi feathers.
  20. arona Colorful
  21. aronui Desire, or greatly desired
  22. arorangi To heaven
  23. ataahua A beautiful girl
  24. atarangi Morning sky
  25. awhireinga Embraced by the spirit world
  26. awi A Maori word for ivy.
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