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Nepali Baby Boy Names starting with U (Page 1 of 1)

  1. ujesh One who gives light, Conquering, The one who gives light.
  2. umanga Enthusiasm, Enthusiasm or excitement. One who is full of enthusiasm.
  3. unnat Energized, Raised, High, Eminent, Elevated, Tall, Regal, A Buddha, Progress or development.
  4. utkarsh Prosperity or awakening or high quality, Advancement - to rise, Awakening or prosperity.
  5. utkrishta Best, Best, the best amongst everyone.
  6. utsarg Dedicating, Emission, Giving, Gift, Donation, Sacrifice, One who is dedicated towards whatever he does, dedicating.
  7. utsav Celebration, Festival, Occasion, Desire, Celebration or festival.
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