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Norway Baby Boy Names starting with B (Page 1 of 1)

  1. bakli Name of Blaeng's son., Name of Blaeng's son.
  2. balmung Siegfried's sword., Siegfried's sword.
  3. baug Son of Raud., Son of Raud.
  4. beini Name of a smith., Name of a smith.
  5. bergthor Thor's spirit, Thor's spirit
  6. bersi Son of bakli., Son of bakli.
  7. bionbyr Warrior's estate, Warrior's estate
  8. biorn Norwegian word for bear., Norwegian word for bear.
  9. biyn One who is strong., One who is strong.
  10. bjame Norwegian word for bear., Norwegian word for bear.
  11. bjolf Name of lodmund's blood brother., Name of lodmund's blood brother.
  12. bodmod Name of Oleif's son., Name of Oleif's son.
  13. borg From the castle., From the castle.
  14. bothi Herald or begin., Herald or begin.
  15. brokk Name of a mythical dwarf., Name of a mythical dwarf.
  16. brondolf Name of Naddodd's son., Name of Naddodd's son.
  17. bruni Son of Earl Harek., Son of Earl Harek.
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