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Old greek Baby Girl Names starting with A (Page 1 of 1)

  1. aftonio The literal meaning of aftonio means one who does have any jealousy.
  2. aneka For the one with God's grace and majestic personality and friendly nature
  3. annella God is gracious one and he has answered the prayers
  4. annelle God has answered the prayers
  5. anneth Variation of Hannah, a beautiful prayer
  6. arlet Eagle, name of an east Indian spice
  7. arsenie Arsenie is a variation of Arsenia and means virile.
  8. astara Old Greek star
  9. aster An Old Greek name derived from asteri meaning star
  10. astraea A derivative from the Greek language for the star
  11. athena Greek goddess of wisdom
  12. athene Greek goddess of war and wisdom
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