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Persian Baby Girl Names starting with M (Page 1 of 1)

  1. meesha In Persian it refers to a marigold flower. In Hindi it means a smile
  2. mehrish Wonderful smell (Mehak), The most beautiful Aroma that is full of wonders.
  3. mehrnaz Glory of the Sun, The brilliant and radiant charm of the Sun, a state of high honour of the biggest star
  4. mehvish A bright shining Star
  5. mehwish Prettiest face on the Moon, Bright star, Something as beautiful as moon. Something that we can compare to the elegant beauty of moon.
  6. mina Precious blue stone, Fish, Jewel, In Persian it means azure or clear like a crystal. In German it means the pure love or true love
  7. minu Fish which moves with ease everywhere bestowing Love and peace over her surroundings getting pride to all, Paradise, A gem, Precious stone, A heavenly place, not less that paradise
  8. mirana A female ruler, The one who is followed
  9. mishaal A short illustrating religious lessons
  10. mishal Example, Copy, Torch, Light, Lightened, Sparkling, Shining, A religious or moral governing
  11. mishall A light, Beautiful, Pretty, Moral or religious values from the God
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