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Sanskrit Baby Boy Names starting with B (Page 1 of 1)

  1. balaji Another name of the Hindu Lord venkatachalapathy (Tirupathi), A name of Lord Vishnu, Means Lord Vishnu or Lord Venkatesh. It also symbolizes strength.
  2. ballabh Beloved, Dear, First, Cowherd, Lover, A variant of Vallabh, meaning beloved.
  3. ballav Its historical meaning is 'cowherd'. It actually means beloved or dear., Its historical meaning is 'cowherd'. It actually means beloved or dear.
  4. barun Lord of the waters, Neptune, All enveloping Sky, A vedic God regarded as the supreme deity, He is seen as upholding heaven and earth and guarding immortality, Lord of the sea
  5. batsa Batsa is the Nepali variant of Vatsa and means son., Batsa is the Nepali variant of Vatsa and means son.
  6. batsal A variant of Vatsal, meaning love or affection., A variant of Vatsal, meaning love or affection.
  7. bhadanta Term of Respect Applied to a Buddhist Mendicant, Term of Respect Applied to a Buddhist Mendicant
  8. bhadrapala Protector of Goodness, Protector of Goodness
  9. bhintuna Wishes, Wishes
  10. bhismasvaraja Not Affected by Noise Sound, Not Affected by Noise Sound
  11. boran Ancient, Ancient
  12. borey Country or great city, Country or great city
  13. boudhayana someone who possesses the focus of Lord Buddha, someone who possesses the focus of Lord Buddha
  14. bourey Country or great city. A variant of the name Borey., Country or great city. A variant of the name Borey.
  15. bradhna One who is mighty; the world of the sun, One who is mighty, the world of the sun
  16. brajamani A precious, beautiful jewel or ornament, A precious, beautiful jewel or ornament
  17. brajendra Lord of Braj land, One who is the Lord of kingdom Braj
  18. brhadgru The great teacher or mentor, The great teacher or mentor
  19. brhadraja The great king or emperor, The great king or emperor
  20. brhadvisa The great protector, The great protector
  21. budrika A learned and enlightened man, A learned and enlightened man
  22. bunroeun Country, Country
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