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Sanskrit Baby Girl Names starting with E (Page 1 of 1)

  1. eeshvi God
  2. eshani Consort of Lord shiva., Close to God, Name of Goddess Durga, Goddess Parvati, it usually means a wish or a desire.
  3. eshanika Fulfilling desire, Belonging to the north east, Satisfying, means to fulfill one's desires.
  4. eshanka Goddess Parvati, Parvati-consort of Shiva (Wife of Shiva), goddess Parvati or Shiva's wife.
  5. eshita One who desires, Desired, One who seeks, Desirous, one who desires.
  6. eshna Desire, a wish.
  7. eta Luminous, a feminized word meaning shining.
  8. etasa shining dappled horse or one who desires.
  9. eti it means ending or conclusion.
  10. etisha Beginning after the end.
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