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Scottish Baby Girl Names starting with A (Page 1 of 1)

  1. aberdeen A woman who is from city in northeast Scottish
  2. aberdine Woman from a city of Aberdeen, reliable
  3. aed A fire, flame, burning fire
  4. aedh From Scottish word Aodh, that means fire
  5. agan A unisex name which means beautiful or handsome and intelligent. In other meanings it means pearl, a precious stone which is very expensive.
  6. aisla From Ailsa Craig, a rocky islet in the Scottish Firth of Clyde.
  7. albe White Rock or a crag, stable and responsible
  8. alish Of A Noble Kin
  9. anabel A lovable person who solves problems
  10. anabell A lovable person who are problem solvers
  11. annabel A loving human being
  12. arable An angel who is the messenger of almighty God
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