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Sindhi Baby Boy Names starting with B (Page 1 of 1)

  1. baghawi Resident of bagh, Baghshur, Residents of Bagh Or Bagshur in Khurasan.
  2. bahhath Examiner, Examiner
  3. bahlawan Acrobat, One who is excellent in acrobatics, an acrobat.
  4. bajala Generous woman, Honored, Venerated, One who is honored or venerated.
  5. bakhtari Ibn al-mukhtar, A narrator of Hadith had this name.
  6. bakkar A reciter of Quran had this name.
  7. baleel Moisture, One of the prophet, Moisture
  8. barraq Flashing, Bright, Brilliant, Shining or glowing
  9. bazam It was the name of the tabiee, Abu Salih, It was the name of the Tabiee
  10. bulhut A narrator of Hadith had this name, Bulhut is the name of narrator of Hadith.
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