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Spanish Baby Girl Names starting with C (Page 1 of 1)

  1. calvina A bald woman
  2. calvine A hairless woman
  3. calynda She is a beauty
  4. canciana One belonging to Anzio, Italy.
  5. cariana A little darling one
  6. caridad A very charitable person
  7. carina She who is dear
  8. carmelia She who has a garden
  9. carmen A woman who is like a fruitful garden
  10. casta A woman who is pius and pure
  11. catalena An unsillied woman of pure nature
  12. chalina Variant of Rosalina
  13. chaya Shadow, Shade, Reflection, Filled with life and happiness
  14. chelo Providing consolation
  15. chrisanne Variant of Chrysantus, a golden flower found in North Eastern Queensland
  16. chrysann A variant of Chrysanthus plant
  17. chrysanna A variety of the plant Chrysanthus
  18. clarisa Derived from 'Claris', which means bright, clear and attractive
  19. claudia As mentioned in the New Testament, it is the feminine form of 'Claudius', a 7th century saint
  20. corazon Heart, the essential body part that pumps blood throughout the body
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