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Tamil Baby Boy Names starting with P (Page 1 of 1)

  1. ponraj Gold, A person who is like Gold
  2. prahan Person who is very kind and generous, An extremly kind and generous person
  3. pratheesh Hope, Expectation, Pre-eminence, One who is full of hope and expectations
  4. pratish Hope, Expectation, Pre-eminence, A supremacy, domination, pre-eminence
  5. praveen Expert, Skilled, A person who is an expert in something
  6. preash Loved by God, One who is loved by the God
  7. premanth One who is a great lover, One who is a great lover
  8. prithiv The Sun, One who is the piece of the earth
  9. pugal Glory, Fame, To have glory or fame
  10. pugalendhi Glorious, Admirable, An admirable man who reached glory
  11. pugalmani A person who is grately admired, A person who is grately admired
  12. pulavan One who is like a topaz, One who is like a topaz
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