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Teutonic Baby Boy Names starting with A (Page 1 of 1)

  1. adalard A noble person who is brave, A noble person who is brave
  2. aeilmar One who inspires awe, awesome, One who inspires awe, awesome
  3. aelgar A bright shining spear, A bright shining spear
  4. aelmar Awesome or awe-inspiring, Awesome or awe-inspiring
  5. amery The one who is industrious, hard working and fertile; a workhorse, The one who is industrious, hard working and fertile, a workhorse
  6. aric Praiseworthy ruler, dignified leader, Praiseworthy ruler, dignified leader
  7. ayllmer A noble and famous person, A noble and famous person
  8. aylmar One who has an amazing fame, One who has an amazing fame
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