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Turkish Baby Boy Names starting with B (Page 1 of 1)

  1. bahadir One who is brave and valiant, One who is brave and valiant
  2. baki One who has a quick and analytical mind, One who has a quick and analytical mind
  3. balian It mens Master or Lord. It was the name of a noble crusader in the kingdom of Jerusalem in the 12th century., It mens Master or Lord. It was the name of a noble crusader in the kingdom of Jerusalem in the 12th century.
  4. baris Peaceful, calm, quite, Peaceful, calm, quite
  5. bata Mate, friend, buddy, Mate, friend, buddy
  6. bayar A delightful person, A delightful person
  7. bechir He who is discerning, He who is discerning
  8. beg Noble, Prince, A title of respect
  9. behrem Mars planet, Mars planet
  10. berkan He who is of strong blood, He who is of strong blood
  11. buqat To be like a lightening bolt, To be like a lightening bolt
  12. burak Horse like animal that carried the prophet (Pbuh) during Mehraj and will carry those that are selected on resurrection day, To be strong and fast as a lightning bolt
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