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United states Baby Boy Names starting with A (Page 1 of 1)

  1. aace The word aace in America means Unity, it also implies to luck and excellence, The word aace in America means Unity, it also implies to luck and excellence
  2. aby Father of multitude or masses, Father of multitude or masses
  3. acalan A small narrow and long rowing boat, A small narrow and long rowing boat
  4. acamapichtli A handful of reeds or long grass, A handful of reeds or long grass
  5. addisyn The son of Addie or Adam, The son of Addie or Adam
  6. aj Combination of Letters A and J; powerful and complete, Combination of Letters A and J, powerful and complete
  7. allston Noble One's Settlement, Noble One's Settlement
  8. almanzo The explanation given by Laura Ingalls Wilder for her husband, Almanzo's, name is that it was derived from an Arabian benefactor to his ancestors by the name of Al-Mansour, meaning 'the victorious'. An alternative derivation is of Old German origin, meani, The explanation given by Laura Ingalls Wilder for her husband, Almanzo's, name is that it was derived from an Arabian benefactor to his ancestors by the name of Al-Mansour, meaning 'the victorious'. An alternative derivation is of Old German origin, meani
  9. alpha First letter of the greek alphabet, An excellent firstborn child with leadership and chieftian qualities
  10. angelos They are charming angels of God sent from heaven, They are charming angels of God sent from heaven
  11. anson The son of God; he is very strong and a famous bearer, The son of God, he is very strong and a famous bearer
  12. armando Great warrior and a happy army man, Great warrior and a happy army man
  13. arnold Strong like an eagle, Strong like an eagle
  14. arvin Friend of people, Friend to all, a friend of the Eagle
  15. auner An adventurous; they are sophisticated beings, An adventurous, they are sophisticated beings
  16. austen One who has a great and magnificient personality, One who has a great and magnificient personality
  17. aydan One who is born out of fire; impusive, One who is born out of fire, impusive
  18. ayden Determined; one who is bron out of fire, Determined, one who is bron out of fire
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