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Urdu Baby Girl Names starting with B (Page 1 of 1)

  1. basira Sagacious, Wise. Intelligent, intellectual
  2. basirah Vision, Sight, visualization
  3. basm Grin, smile,
  4. basma Smile, A Beam, Shaft of light
  5. basmah Smile, A Smile
  6. basmat A Smile
  7. basoos Noble, Royal, She was the Daughter
  8. bassima A Smile, blissful, pleasurable
  9. baysan To walk with pride, to walk with pride
  10. beebee Wife, the settlement of Bee
  11. beena A musical instrument, Wise, Far-sighted, Lute, Melodious, Perceptive, A musical instrument, a far sighted human being
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