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Urdu Baby Girl Names starting with N (Page 1 of 1)

  1. naaz Pride, Elegance, Young, Gentle, Coquetry, The person is having self respect, A charming person
  2. nafia Profitable, Beneficial, A person who benefits others
  3. nahiza Elevated, Diligent, A raised person, at high rank
  4. nazah Success, Purity, Righteousness, Honesty, The purity of a person
  5. nazam The poetry defining a particular thing
  6. nazma A star, In middle of a group of stars, The bright and shining star of the sky
  7. nazmi Out of the context of nazm
  8. nazmin Light, The delicate girl, a beautiful girl
  9. nazneen Beautiful, the most beautiful lady
  10. nirvikar Bight and powerful nimble.
  11. nosheen Sweet thing, Sweet, Pleasant, Dream, Honeyed and sweet smelling.
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