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Urdu Baby Girl Names starting with S (Page 1 of 1)

  1. sajoon A loved woman
  2. samrina Flower, Fruit, A woman who is sweet like a flower or a fruit
  3. shabina Sweet, To be in the eye of the storm
  4. shafaq Aurora, Morning light, A virtuous woman on integrity
  5. shaffan Cool breeze, Morning breeze, A woman cool as a morning breeze
  6. shahnoor Royal glow, A woman with a royal glow around her
  7. shaizen A beautiful or preety girl
  8. shanum Allahs blessing, Dignity, One who is blessed by Allah. Also, a dignified woman
  9. shanza A woman who is diginied
  10. sharleez Beautiful, A lady who is beaitiful
  11. shazana Princess, Urdu name meaning princess
  12. shazfa Success, A successful girl
  13. shazmah Rare Moon, Rare like the Moon
  14. shezan Beautiful, A beautiful girl
  15. shimaz Beloved, A deeply beloved girl
  16. shiza A gift, A present, She is a preset, a gift
  17. siddra Like a star, One who is like a star
  18. sumamah A name of the plant millet
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