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Yiddish Baby Boy Names starting with A (Page 1 of 1)

  1. aber Yiddish form of Abraham which means Father of a might nation., Yiddish form of Abraham which means Father of a might nation.
  2. aberlin Yiddish form of Abraham which means Father of a multitudes., Yiddish form of Abraham which means Father of a multitudes.
  3. abrasha Yiddish form of Abraham, meaning Father of a multitudes., Yiddish form of Abraham, meaning Father of a multitudes.
  4. ahron Yiddish form of Aaron, meaning mountain., Yiddish form of Aaron, meaning mountain.
  5. aizik Yiddish form of Yitzchak, meaning he will laugh., Yiddish form of Yitzchak, meaning he will laugh.
  6. anschil Yiddish form of Asher, meaning fortunate, blessed, and happy., Yiddish form of Asher, meaning fortunate, blessed, and happy.
  7. anshel Yiddish form of Asher, meaning fortunate, blessed, and happy., Yiddish form of Asher, meaning fortunate, blessed, and happy.
  8. arele Yiddish form of Aaron, meaning mountain., Yiddish form of Aaron, meaning mountain.
  9. arke The light-bringer., The light-bringer.
  10. aver Aver is the short form of Abraham and means father of multitude., Aver is the short form of Abraham and means father of multitude.
  11. avrom A form of Abraham, meaning father of a multitude., A form of Abraham, meaning father of a multitude.
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