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Yoruba Baby Girl Names starting with B (Page 1 of 1)

  1. bere First daughter of the family.
  2. bidemi Born awaiting me.
  3. bimpe One who is gorgeous and beautiful.
  4. bisi She who is a first-born daughter in the family
  5. bmidele A Yoruba term meaning follow me home.
  6. bodunde Came with Christmas or one who was born during Christmas.
  7. bolanle One who finds wealth at home.
  8. bolatito A Yoruba term meaning how joy sanctifies me.
  9. boluwaji Rise up with Lord.
  10. boluwatife As God wishes, one who follows the will of God.
  11. bosede A daughter that came to world on a Sunday
  12. bunmi To be my gift
  13. busayo Add to the joy.
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