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Buddhism Baby Boy Names starting with D (Page 1 of 1)

  1. daibai A Plum, A Plum
  2. daiden A transmission, A transmission
  3. daiji Filled with love and compassion, Filled with love and compassion
  4. daikan Powerful and active, Powerful and active
  5. daiko Powerful light, Powerful light
  6. dainin One who has great patience, One who has great patience
  7. daishin Truthful; one who has a pure soul, Truthful, one who has a pure soul
  8. danasura Among Donors, Among Donors
  9. dasbala Very powerful man from the heart, Very powerful man from the heart
  10. dashin One who is content, One who is content
  11. dayakurca One who is the storehouse of compassion, One who is the storehouse of compassion
  12. decha Power, a powerful person, Power, a powerful person
  13. denkatsu One which is active as lightning, One which is active as lightning
  14. dipankara One who loves to be in a peaceful state, One who loves to be in a peaceful state
  15. divijata One who has power to overcome every obstacle, One who has power to overcome every obstacle
  16. doryu One who understands the ways of a dragon, One who understands the ways of a dragon
  17. doyu One who preserves the morality; understands love, One who preserves the morality, understands love
  18. drdhahanus One who has a pure heart ; loving natured, One who has a pure heart , loving natured
  19. drtaka A person who is stubborn but of friendly nature., A person who is stubborn but of friendly nature.
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