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Hindu Baby Girl Names starting with F (Page 1 of 1)

  1. falguni The day of the full Moon in the Hindu month of Phaalgun which falls between february and march, Born in Falgun, Born in Falguni
  2. faloni In charge
  3. fenna Guardian of peace, A feeling of peace
  4. feral
  5. firaki Fragrance, Fragrance, Sweet and Pleasant smelling person, Sweet Scent
  6. flavina
  7. foram Fragrance, A fragrance or a pleasant aroma
  8. forum Fragrance
  9. freny Foreigner, A person who is loved by all, Zaratushtra's daughter as per myth
  10. freya Beloved, Goddess of Love, Noble, Lady, In Norse mythology, Freya was the goddess of love, Lady
  11. freyal
  12. friya Beloved, Goddess of Love, Noble, Lady, The girl who is loving, darling and most affectionate.
  13. fularenu The fine spores that contain gametes and that are borne by an another in a flowering plant.
  14. fuleswari A name of a river or lake.
  15. fulki Spark, Spark, Flame, Light, Brightness
  16. fulmala Garland, Refers to wreath or chaplet.
  17. fultushi Girl who is loving and darling.
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