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Islam Baby Boy Names starting with A (Page 1 of 7)

  1. a'rab Bedoin
  2. aaaqil One who is wise and intelligent., One who is wise and intelligent.
  3. aaarabisk A person who is wishful and healthy, A person who is wishful and healthy
  4. aaban More clear, 8th Persian month, Name of the Angel, 8th Persian month, angel of iron, name aban also in some cases has the meaning spontaneous and versatile
  5. aabdar Bright, Like glass, Name aabdar has a quranic origin which means Moon light, early, quick. It is derived from the B-D-R root which is used in the Quran in verse 3:123 in the word Badr, which means "full moon" and is the name of a famous battle.
  6. aabid Worshipper of God, The word aabid means powerful, complete, worshipper of allah, it also signifies the one who is good intellectually and requires several outlet of energies
  7. aabideen Zainul abidin is a Islam name for baby Boy and meaning is Ornament of the worshippers, it is probably taken from early Islamic leader Zainul abidin, Zainul abidin is a Islam name for baby Boy and meaning is Ornament of the worshippers, it is probably taken from early Islamic leader Zainul abidin
  8. aabinus Meaning of word aabinus is Ebony, Dark colored, Meaning of word aabinus is Ebony, Dark colored
  9. aadam The first prophet of Allah, Malay version of Adam, meaning 'father of mankind'.
  10. aadheen Obedient, Submissive, The word aadheen means obedient, one who comply with commands and is submissive
  11. aadhil Honorable judge, Justice, Righteous
  12. aadil Honorable judge, Justice, Righteous, aadil means righteous, high in moral and virtuous, suggesting sanctimonious
  13. aafa Forgiver
  14. aafaaq Horizons, Horizons
  15. aaftab The Sun, Sunlight, Brilliance, the name means sunlight or the Sun
  16. aagha Pre-eminent, Master, Chief, Elder brother, Another name for God, The word means Someone in control over something, Lord, chief
  17. aaghaa The name aaghaa means Someone in control over something, Lord, chief, The name aaghaa means Someone in control over something, Lord, chief
  18. aahad Unity, oneness, harmony, Unity, oneness, harmony
  19. aaki Autum, Bright
  20. aakif Attached, Intent
  21. aakrama Name of a famous companion of Prophet Muhammad., Name of a famous companion of Prophet Muhammad.
  22. aalam Universe, The whole world, aalam has a meaning of World or universe, the one belonging to the whole World
  23. aalamgeer this means the supreme conqueror of the world, Defeatless, this means the supreme conqueror of the world, Defeatless
  24. aalee Sublime, Lofty, High, Tall, Noble and majestic, highly impressive and awe-inspiring
  25. aali Sublime, Lofty, High, Tall, Excellent, Noble, The another name of Allah or the almighty
  26. aalif The one that is sympathetic or compassionate, affectionate to others, The one that is sympathetic or compassionate, affectionate to others
  27. aalim Knowledge person, Wise, Sch, Olarly, Omniscient, Learned, Religious scholar, the one who is Knowledgeable, high scholor, very wise
  28. aamil Invaluable, Inaccessible, Exalted, Doer, it means a Hardworking person, doer
  29. aamin the one having A great grace of God, the one who is divine, the one having A great grace of God, the one who is divine
  30. aamir Ruler, Prince, Rich, Prosperous, Populous, Full Prosperous, Amply Settled, Civilise
  31. aapo Finnish form of ABRAHAM or being father of multitude, Finnish form of ABRAHAM or being father of multitude
  32. aaqaa the supreme owner or father, having full authority, the supreme owner or father, having full authority
  33. aaqib Another name of prophet Muhammad, Follower, the follower of allah, follower
  34. aaqil Wise, Intelligent, Thoughtful, Sensible, the who blessed with quick cognitive capacity, intelligent
  35. aaraiz Rain bearing cloud
  36. aarash First ray of the sun., First ray of the sun.
  37. aarib Handsome, Healthy, the one who is healthy and very handsome
  38. aariz Respectable Man, Intelligent, the one who is a respectable man, intelligent, the one who leads
  39. aarman Hope or desire, Army Man, Wish, Desire, Awesome, Crave, Want, Wish
  40. aaroh the one having high qualities as a mountain, the one having high qualities as a mountain
  41. aarzam War, Battle, Quarrel, the name means War, battle or being conqueror
  42. aarzoo Wish, Hope, Love, Wish, Desire, Want, Crave
  43. aarzu Wish, Hope, Love
  44. aas Hope, the act of waiting or having hope
  45. aasaal Evening time, Real, Pure
  46. aasaf the one who is very clear or lined up, the one who is very clear or lined up
  47. aashif Bold, Courageous, An able minister, Forgiveness, the one having a confident character or being courageous
  48. aashik The true lover, a suitor, The true lover, a suitor
  49. aashim Limitless, Protecter
  50. aashiq Adorer, Lover, Suitor, The true lover, a suitor
  51. aashiq ali Adorer of Ali
  52. aashiq muhammad Adorer of the prophet Muhammad
  53. aashir Living, Captivating, Fascinating, the one who is alive or Living
  54. aasif Bold, Courageous, An able minister, Forgiveness, An Able Minister
  55. aasil Name itself gives aggression. means to assault cruelly and constantly, Name itself gives aggression. means to assault cruelly and constantly
  56. aasim Limitless, Protecter, The one who is a Protector and Guardian
  57. aasir Captivating, Fascinating, Devout, Active, One with a captivating and fascinating personality.
  58. aasman Heaven, Sky
  59. aat Someone who is daring, Someone who is daring
  60. aatazaz Someone important or servant of the mighty., Someone important or servant of the mighty.
  61. aati The one who is generous., The one who is generous.
  62. aatif United, Joined, Together, Kind and affectionate
  63. aauf Awf guest, Fragrance, Lion
  64. aaus Name of a tree
  65. aayid
  66. aayiz Replacement, something given to you in place of something you have lost., Replacement, something given to you in place of something you have lost.
  67. aazaad someone Independent, Free, someone Independent, Free
  68. aazad Free, Independent
  69. aazam someone Supreme, Powerful, someone Supreme, Powerful
  70. aazan Call for the prayer, form of prayer
  71. aazar The 9th month of celebration., The 9th month of celebration.
  72. aazif the harvest
  73. aazim Famous, On the top, Heights, Greatest, Determined, the one who is determined
  74. aazz someone Mightier, Stronger, someone Mightier, Stronger
  75. abaan More clear, 8th Persian month, this is an Old Arabic Name
  76. abaas Like a lion, Like a lion
  77. abab the Softness and Gracefulness of Youth, the Softness and Gracefulness of Youth
  78. ababil someone who accepts easily, someone who accepts easily
  79. abad someone who is Everlasting, Eternal, someone who is Everlasting, Eternal
  80. abadah the name has meaning of Endurance, Durability or Strength, the name has meaning of Endurance, Durability or Strength
  81. abadard the One who Possesses Prosperity, the One who Possesses Prosperity
  82. abadilat the other name of Abdullah, the other name of Abdullah
  83. abadiya Name of a famous author known for his unique style, Name of a famous author known for his unique style
  84. abahat Correct, Accurate
  85. abahh Nick name of al-abahh, An astrologer of Al Mamun and basically Al-Abahh was the nickname of al Hasan Ibn Ibrahim.
  86. abaj The name has a meaning of Eternity, The name has a meaning of Eternity
  87. abakhtar A planet, A planet
  88. aban More clear, an Old arabic name
  89. abanjar Being Tall, Stout, Being Tall, Stout
  90. abann someone who is Tall, Strong, someone who is Tall, Strong
  91. abannak someone who is Firm to his decisions, someone who is Firm to his decisions
  92. abanoub ancient King, ancient King
  93. abanus Someone having a dark complexion, Someone having a dark complexion
  94. abar tin Arabic he was Son of Arphaxad and Grandson of Shem, tin Arabic he was Son of Arphaxad and Grandson of Shem
  95. abaravand one who is above all, superior, one who is above all, superior
  96. abarinnotavan to Rejuvenate, to Rejuvenate
  97. abasi Being Stern and strict, Being Stern and strict
  98. abasin The Indus river, The other name of Indus River
  99. abatus The winner of a battle, The winner of a battle
  100. abaven Someone who is a protector, Someone who is a protector
  101. abbaas Description of a lion, the Description of a lion
  102. abbar Someone strong, Someone strong
  103. abbas Description of a lion, Description of a Lion, Looking Austere, Lion, Stern, Name of Mohammad's Uncle
  104. abbasi being Stern, Frowning One, being Stern, Frowning One
  105. abbasiyah Being a Lion, Being a Lion
  106. abbi The elder brother or son, The elder brother or son
  107. abbood Devoted worshipper of Allah, Very devoted
  108. abbud Devoted worshipper of Allah, the one who is Worshipper of Allah
  109. abbudin Worshippers, being a Worshippers
  110. abd Servant, Devotee, Slave, A slave
  111. abd al alim Servant of all knowing, Servant of all knowing
  112. abd al bari Servant of Allah, Servant of Allah
  113. abd al hakim Servant of the wise, Servant of the wise
  114. abd al jabbar Servant of mighty, Servant of mighty
  115. abd al matin Servant of strong, Servant of strong
  116. abd al qadir Servant of capable, Servant of capable
  117. abd al rashid Servant of the guided., Servant of the guided.
  118. abd al sami Servant of all hearing., Servant of all hearing.
  119. abd al-ala Slave of the high
  120. abd er rahman Servant of the merciful one., Servant of the merciful one.
  121. abd khayr Khayr is all kinds of goodness
  122. abd us-salam Servant of the merciful one., Servant of the merciful one.
  123. abd-al Servant of the merciful one., Servant of the merciful one.
  124. abd-almuhsin Servant of the merciful one., Servant of the merciful one.
  125. abdal Slave of the high, the Persons by whom God Continues the World in Existence
  126. abdalah the Servant of god, the Servant of god
  127. abdalala the Slave of the High, the Slave of the High
  128. abdalalim the Servant of the All-knowing, the Servant of the All-knowing
  129. abdalati the Servant of Allah, the Servant of Allah
  130. abdalaziz the Servant of the Mighty One, the Servant of the Mighty One
  131. abdalbari true follower of Allah, true follower of Allah
  132. abdalfattah the Servant of the One who Gives Nourishment, the Servant of the One who Gives Nourishment
  133. abdalhadi the Servant of the Leader, the Servant of the Leader
  134. abdalhakim the Servant of the Wise One, the Servant of the Wise One
  135. abdalhalim the Servant of the Patient One, the Servant of the Patient One
  136. abdalhamid the one who is Servant of the Praiseworthy One, the one who is Servant of the Praiseworthy One
  137. abdaljabbar the Servant of the Comforter, the Servant of the Comforter
  138. abdaljabir the servant of the one who helps others, the servant of the one who helps others
  139. abdaljawwad the Servant of the Noble One, the Servant of the Noble One
  140. abdalkadir the Servant of the Capable, the Servant of the Capable
  141. abdalkarim the Servant of the Generous One, the Servant of the Generous One
  142. abdalla Servant Of God; Servant of Allah, Servant Of God, Servant of Allah
  143. abdallafif the one who is a Servant of the Kind One, the one who is a Servant of the Kind One
  144. abdallah the Servant of Allah, the Servant of Allah
  145. abdalmajid the Servant of the Glorious One, the Servant of the Glorious One
  146. abdalmalik the one who is Servant of the King, the one who is Servant of the King
  147. abdalmatin the Servant of the Strong, the Servant of the Strong
  148. abdalmufi the Servant of the Donor, the Servant of the Donor
  149. abdalmuhsin the Servant of the Charitable One, the Servant of the Charitable One
  150. abdalqadir the one being Servant of the Capable, the one being Servant of the Capable
  151. abdalrahim the Servant of the Compassionate, the Servant of the Compassionate
  152. abdalrahman being Servant of the Merciful, being Servant of the Merciful
  153. abdalrashid the Servant of the well Guided, the Servant of the well Guided
  154. abdalrauf the servant of sympathetic, the servant of sympathetic
  155. abdalraziq being Servant of the Provider, being Servant of the Provider
  156. abdalrazzaq the Servant of the helper, the Servant of the helper
  157. abdalsalam the Servant of Peace, the Servant of Peace
  158. abdalsami the one who is Servant of the All-hearing, the one who is Servant of the All-hearing
  159. abdalwahab the Servant of the Giving, the Servant of the Giving
  160. abdan Is derived from Abd, A Man, This Islam baby Boy name is originated from Urdu and derived from abd
  161. abdar Abdar mean easy, quick and shinning personality with wealthy water, Abdar mean easy, quick and shinning personality with wealthy water
  162. abdarrahman the Servant of the Merciful, the Servant of the Merciful
  163. abdeali Follower of Ali, the one who is Follower of Ali
  164. abdeel A Cloud of God, A Cloud of God
  165. abdel Servant Of God; Servant of Allah, Servant Of God, Servant of Allah
  166. abdeladir the Servant of the Capable, the Servant of the Capable
  167. abdelati the one being Servant of Allah, the one being Servant of Allah
  168. abdelaziz the Servant of the Mighty One, the Servant of the Mighty One
  169. abdelfattah the one being Servant of the One who treat others with tenderness, the one being Servant of the One who treat others with tenderness
  170. abdelgawwad the Servant of the Noble One, the Servant of the Noble One
  171. abdelhadi the Servant of the supreme Leader, the Servant of the supreme Leader
  172. abdelhakim the kind Servant of the Wise One, the kind Servant of the Wise One
  173. abdelhalim the Servant of the Patient One, the Servant of the Patient One
  174. abdelhamid the Servant of the Praiseworthy One, the Servant of the Praiseworthy One
  175. abdelkadir the Servant of the one who is Capable, the Servant of the one who is Capable
  176. abdelkarim the one who is Servant of the One who is of noble birth, the one who is Servant of the One who is of noble birth
  177. abdelkerim the Servant of the Principled One, the Servant of the Principled One
  178. abdelkrim the Servant of the Generous One, the Servant of the Generous One
  179. abdellafif the Servant of the Kindest One, the Servant of the Kindest One
  180. abdellatif Such a charming peronality who serves kind people, Such a charming peronality who serves kind people
  181. abdelmalik the Servant of the King, the Servant of the King
  182. abdelmufi the Servant of the Donor, the Servant of the Donor
  183. abdelouahid Takne from Quranic origin that means servant of the One, Takne from Quranic origin that means servant of the One
  184. abdelqadir the Servant of the Capable, the Servant of the Capable
  185. abdelrahim Taken from word abd al rahim which stand for servant of the compassionate one, Taken from word abd al rahim which stand for servant of the compassionate one
  186. abdelrahman servant of the Merciful where "the Merciful" is Characteristic of Allah, servant of the Merciful where "the Merciful" is Characteristic of Allah
  187. abdelsalam the Servant of Peace, the Servant of Peace
  188. abderrahim the Servant of the Compassionate, the Servant of the Compassionate
  189. abderrahman the one who is Servant of the Merciful, the one who is Servant of the Merciful
  190. abderraouf Have faith in Allah and serve the most needed, Have faith in Allah and serve the most needed
  191. abderrazi the Servant of the Provider, the Servant of the Provider
  192. abderrazza the Servant of the one who helps others, the Servant of the one who helps others
  193. abdes shakur Slave of the appreciative, Slave of the appreciative
  194. abdi Originated from Hebrew origin and means servant of god or a slave, Originated from Hebrew origin and means servant of god or a slave
  195. abdiesus One who serves., One who serves.
  196. abdirahman A person with sensitive nature who help the most gracious, A person with sensitive nature who help the most gracious
  197. abdkhayr Basically Khayr is all types of goodness, Basically Khayr is all types of goodness
  198. abdmanaf the Servant of Manaf, the Servant of Manaf
  199. abdo the Very Sensitive and Kind one, the Very Sensitive and Kind one
  200. abdolrahem A person who is kind-hearted that serves merciful, A person who is kind-hearted that serves merciful
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