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Islam Baby Girl Names starting with E (Page 1 of 1)

  1. ebrah Wisdom to learn from experience.
  2. edrice A prosperous ruler
  3. ehteram Respect, Respect, Consideration, Admiration, A variant spelling is Ehtiram and Ihtiram
  4. eihaa To inspire
  5. eilin Champion, Lovable, A Hazelnut tree, a sweet singing bird
  6. eiliyah The beautiful one to grow in peace and Love with God, The Beautiful One to Grow in Peace and Love with God, A variant spelling is Iliya
  7. eiman Faith, A faithful and clever minded person
  8. eira Snow, One who has the purity and simplicity of snow
  9. elfesya A girl as beautiful as a fairy or princess, fairy or princess
  10. elham Inspiration, Revelation
  11. elijah Beautiful, Sweet, Smart
  12. eliza Unique, Precious, One who has a jolly nature
  13. ellora Clouds, Clouds, Also name given to cave temples in India
  14. elma Apple, One who is sweet like an apple
  15. elzina this name means woman or god is my oath.
  16. eman Faith, Belief, Faith in Allah, this name means faith or belief.
  17. emine it means one who is fearless and courageous.
  18. emma Whole, Complete, the meaning of this name is universal whole.
  19. emmarie a faithful or truthful person.
  20. enas One with a friendly and jovial demeanor.
  21. eness queen of beauty.
  22. enisa Good friend, Friend or companion
  23. eraj Morning light
  24. ereshva Righteous, a righteous being.
  25. erina Beautiful lady, a feminized form of erin, meaning peace and a poetic way of referring to Ireland.
  26. ersheen god's beauty.
  27. esana a feminized word meaning to safeguard.
  28. eshaal Flower of Jannat paradise, Enlivened or excited, to enliven or excite.
  29. esra it means more or quick.
  30. etti myrtle or bride or star.
  31. ezhil Beauty, A very beautiful woman
  32. ezina To beautify
  33. ezzah A person who gives the honor, Respect, A Person who Gives the Honour, Respect, Considerable, Admirable
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