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Islam Baby Girl Names starting with G (Page 1 of 1)

  1. gabina Honey, Honey or as sweet as honey. A girl with sweet disposition
  2. galiana The name of a moorish princess
  3. galiba Winner
  4. gamila Beautiful, Very pretty or wonderful.
  5. gazal
  6. gazala Intelligent, Charming, A poem, Ode, Lyric poem, Words of Love, The one who is intellectual and fascinating.
  7. ghaaliya Fragrant, Fragrant
  8. ghada Graceful woman, Graceful young girl
  9. ghaena Ornament, Abbreviation of names ending in -gina
  10. ghaida Young and delicate, Soft
  11. ghalia Precious, Priceless
  12. ghaliba Conqueror, Victor, Winner
  13. ghalibah Dominant, A woman of dominating nature.
  14. ghania Beauty, Beautiful girl, A woman of great wealth
  15. ghaniya Rich, Wealthy, Prosperous, Woman who is very rich
  16. ghaniyah Pretty girl, Beautiful woman, Beauty, A woman of great richness and wealth
  17. ghasna Bud, Blossom, Pure and gentile as a flower blossom
  18. ghatiya Dynamic, Moving, A dynamic person, someone who is on the move
  19. ghazal Intelligent, Charming, A poem, Ode, Lyric poem, Words of Love, The lover of poems, poetry, expression of strong emotions
  20. ghazala Gazelle, A young deer, A woman graceful as a gazelle
  21. ghazalah Gazelle, She who is like a gazelle
  22. ghina Singing, Song, Arabic name meaning melody or a song
  23. ghufayrah This was the name of a very, A very pious woman who kept vigil in the night
  24. ghumaysa Her kuniyah was umm sulaym, Her kuniyah was Umm Sulaym
  25. ginni Gold, Ginni means Precious Gold Coin.
  26. giti A song, World, Universe, Giti means World, Universe.
  27. gulnar Flowery, They are soft like a flower and give good smell to others.They are very soft,kind and sensitive.
  28. gulnaz Cute like a flower, They are soft like a flower and give good smell to others.They are very soft,kind and sensitive.
  29. gulnoor The light of flower, light or radiance.
  30. gulsana Unbelievable flower
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