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Baby Unisex Names starting with P (Page 1 of 1)

  1. pahal Facet, Beginning, initiative
  2. pavaki Name of Lord Murugan, Goddess Saraswati (Goddess of education, Purifying, Fire, Daughter of the mountain, One of the many names of Goddess Saraswati,
  3. pavi Pure, A pure and passionate individual, compassionate
  4. pavni Honey, Lord Hanuman, True, Holy
  5. pracheta Lord Varun, Wise
  6. praditya Light of education, Pratham Aditya first Sun)
  7. pragyaa Lord Vishnu, Prowess, Intellect
  8. prasha Desire, A mark of Love, She who bears the mark of love
  9. prishita One that carries the name of God, One that carries the name of God
  10. priyan Goddess Lakshmi, Loving
  11. punya Good work, The Goddess who appreciates good deeds, Virtue, Purity, Tulsi or holy Basil, Sacred, Auspicious, Fair, Worthy, An encouraging, promising person with great luck
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